Zimbed Equines | Tatjana Dillinger - Dressurkurse Dachau

Riding to
with clear conscience?


Dressurkurse Dachau

Dressurkurse Dachau

Unfortunately, the world of equestrian sports also has its darker sides. When I think about the negative images and headlines surrounding major equestrian events, one might almost believe that many organizers, riders, trainers, stewards, and judges have blinders on. I frequently find myself questioning, how can this be?

This lack of ethical responsibility is not limited to elite sports; even in the field of leisure riding, the experience of being a horse is not always pleasant. Incorrect guidance, poor role models, and a lack of knowledge result in handling horses in ways that cause harm and suffering. Doesn't the responsibility towards the horse and the associated ethical considerations begin with the very act of a rider mounting the horse?

Dressurkurse Dachau

Dressurkurse Dachau
Dressurkurse Dachau

I urge riders to observe their animals ,
when dismounting after their work .
Look into their gazes and examine your conscience,
whether you have horse (…), the horse well .


Nuno Oliveira


Let's briefly stay in the realm of elite sports. Alongside numerous negative examples, thankfully, there are also particularly positive instances, such as Ingrid Klimke who demonstrate that horse-friendly training and top positions in various disciplines are not contradictory. With my work, I aim to contribute to a transformation and shift in mindset within equestrian sports. I want to show and prove that a collaboration between humans and horses, driven by joy for both partners, rider education, and honest training, inherently leads to athletic success. Therefore, education and enlightenment of the rider are matters close to my heart.

Dressurkurse Dachau
Dressurkurse Dachau

Let's embrace a pure connection, free from shows and machinery! I envision horses carrying their riders with pride and the realization of their full potential. Horses gracefully gliding across the dressage arena, forming an inseparable union with their riders in a symphony of beauty and harmony. The movement of the horse becomes a manifestation of the harmony between two hearts.

Let's collectively bring this style of riding back to the competition arenas and rekindle the joy of this harmonious connection! Are you ready?

Dressurkurse Dachau